Field Labor/Employment Law

One of the focal points of our law firm is providing consulting services and representing clients in labor/employment law cases. Within the framework of individual labor/employment law we handle the entire spectrum of problems related to labor/employment law, from the rationale for employment contracts through support in the area of personnel specific issues in daily business to the termination of employment relations. The shape and form of personnel adjustment measures is just as much a part of our activities as the support provided for business transitions. In the area of collective labor/employment law we advise our clients on all questions concerning Works Constitution Law and the Right of Co-determination; we conduct collective bargaining negotiations together with our clients and provide support in proceedings on the reconciliation of interests and social compensation plans. Inseparably bound up in our work is the representation in ‘Beschluss' (declaratory) and ‘Urteil' (decision) procedures in labor/employment courts. We represent the interests of our clients in all the various labor/employment courts, state labor/employment courts and of course in the Federal Labour Court in Erfurt as well as in the European Court of Justice in Luxemburg.

Your contact:

Prof. Dr. Sascha Leese
Prof. Dr. Sascha Leese

Qualified specialist in labor/employment law
Qualified specialist for commercial and company law

Dr. Holger Ulbricht
Dr. Holger Ulbricht

Qualified specialist in labor/employment law

Benjamin Heinze
Benjamin Heinze

Qualified specialist in labor/employment law
